The Myth of Redemptive Violence
Aaron Stamper Aaron Stamper

The Myth of Redemptive Violence

is endgame is to vanquish the cycle of violence by absorbing it all into himself and responding with love, forgiveness, and life.

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The Wisdom of a Rotting Orchid
Aaron Stamper Aaron Stamper

The Wisdom of a Rotting Orchid

This orchid was rotting before our very eyes but we did not realize it. I feel like drawing some spiritual lessons from this story is the very least I can do to honor the life of this plant.

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“I Should…”
Aaron Stamper Aaron Stamper

“I Should…”

Before a “should” impulse is acted upon, it requires exploration. A “why” can get to the heart of a “should.” This journey, however, will require patience and grace….

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Facing the Wrong Way
Aaron Stamper Aaron Stamper

Facing the Wrong Way

There’s a fair amount of groupthink at work throughout the Bible and it all serves as an invitation for us to be aware of the times in our lives where we are prioritizing conformity with others as opposed to alignment with Christ.

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A New Toilet
Aaron Stamper Aaron Stamper

A New Toilet

My passion was leading a congregation…until it wasn’t. And when I realized it was no longer my passion, I had to say goodbye – a death in many respects. The past year has been a profoundly difficult experience of grief and uncertainty, but I held onto the faith that God was doing a new thing in my life.

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Thank You for Being You
Aaron Stamper Aaron Stamper

Thank You for Being You

I tend to thank people only when they bend to my will or do something that benefits me. I am much less inclined to thank people for simply being themselves. This behavior pattern has deep familial, cultural, and religious roots, many of which I am largely ignorant. My life experiences have led me to internalize the idea that thankfulness is expressed only once a person measures up to the expectations of another.

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(Sam)Wise Listening
Aaron Stamper Aaron Stamper

(Sam)Wise Listening

Notice what Christ calls us to do in such times of confusion, distress, fear, and foreboding. Christ calls us to stand up and raise our heads. Christ calls us to pay attention, to be on guard, and to pray. Christ calls us to listen.

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Transformative Transitions
Aaron Stamper Aaron Stamper

Transformative Transitions

A liminal space is a transitional space where the distinctions of past, present, and future are blurred. Liminal spaces can be described as holy or thin experiences of divine and they are often catalysts for transformation…

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