Aaron Stamper

Spiritual Direction / Spiritual Companionship
offered from a contemplative framework


My approach to spiritual companionship begins with authentic curiosity about the person with whom I am meeting. I ask questions that invite reflection about one's soul stirrings, and I reflect back on what I hear and see. I provide a non-judgmental and non-anxious presence where individuals feel the freedom and safety necessary to reflect on their spiritual journey and their relationship with the divine. I trained in contemplative spiritual direction models, which means that a companion can expect impactful periods of silence, a listening-first approach, and thoughtful consideration of whatever is brought to the session. All sessions are completely confidential.

I am open and affirming of companions regardless of gender, sexual orientation, religion, race, ethnicity, or socio-economic status. I acknowledge my own privilege as a cisgender white male in today’s world and strive to be an effective ally for those who society marginalizes and oppresses.

I have been shaped by a life spent in Christian churches, including a dozen years as an ordained pastor in the Lutheran Church (ELCA). I have always sought out relationships with those outside my spiritual home. My inclusive worldview coupled with my interest in spiritual disciplines has often placed me on the margins of mainline denominations. I am always happy to work with others who find themselves alienated from traditional church structures and institutions (as well as with those who feel at home in such structures). My vocational experience also makes me well-suited to empathize with clergy and the spiritual issues that often surface for church leaders.

I meet regularly with my own spiritual director as well as a supervisor. I have completed master’s degrees and professional certificates at Fuller Theological Seminary, Renovaré Institute of Christian Spiritual Formation, and Portland Seminary.

I offer spiritual companionship sessions online as well as in-person in the Columbus, Ohio area.

The Process

I offer each new spiritual companion the opportunity to meet (either in-person or virtually) for an informal conversation in order to learn more about one another. If both parties feel comfortable with proceeding, we will schedule a free introductory session. Sessions are typically held on a monthly basis for one hour. Financial offerings for sessions are encouraged based on a sliding scale according to income.

 Heart-Soil & Holy Dust: Seasons of Discipleship by Aaron Stamper

Download a PDF of Aaron’s recent book exploring discipleship rooted in the Christian scriptures and shaped by the seasons of the church year.